AWE-SCF (Sphere Crystal Filter)

AWE-SCF (Sphere Crystal Filter)

An economical choice to protect water systems against scaling, corrosion& TSS.

AWE-SCF is an economic and reliable water treatment system for potable and industrial water. It consists of glass-like polyphosphatesilicate spheres or crystals and housing ofvariablesize.

AWE-SCF prevents scale and stops corrosion& TSS. It utilizes the phenomenon that minute concentrations of polyphosphates are sufficient to inhibit the deposition of scale onto metallic surfaces. Because of its phosphate and silicate contentAWE-SCFalsoinhibits corrosion by forming a thin protectivelayer on the metalsurface.

An AWE-SCF concentration of 2 -3 ppm is sufficient to achieve both of these effects. AWE-SCF will also slowly remove existing scale in old pipes if it consists of brown scale, i.e. Iron oxide. Hard scale, i.e. calcium carbonate cannot so easily be removed by AWE-SCF. Here the advantage is again that AWE-SCF will prevent further scaling up. Experience shows that scale and corrosion is not only found in MS & galvanized but also in SS and copper 0R other oxidized metals surfaces. Even in plastic pipes one can find scale and deposits. As a rule of thumb one can say that 1mm scale on the heating coils of a boiler, increases the energy cost by 15%. AWE-SCF consists of 100% active substance.

The use in tap water and other types of fresh water at the prescribed dosage is inoffensive. Soft waters are aggressive to metals and cause corrosion. Consequently the tap water turns brown. Leaks and burst pipes may be the result.

AWE-SCF can be installed in almost every water system. They require no electric installation and negligible maintenance. They only have to be replace with AWE-SCF every 3 - 6 months & replacement is also very easy.

TheAWESCF System Contains:

1. SC-Spheres& Crystals

A sparingly soluble glass - like polyphosphate silicate combination of highest purity.

2. AWE SCF Housing

The housings are installed in the water system and filled with the AWE SCF Spheres& Crystals. The tap water flows through the housing and dissolves minute quantities of polyphosphates.

3. Spun Filter

The PP Spun Filter outside SC which can give you filtered water so easily controlled any suspended solids in the water. This filter don’t cause a critical pressure drop until and unless increase the input TSS load may be abnormally change. AWE SC filter normally replaced or wash approx. 2-8 months, this depends on the individual installation.

AWE SCF SYSTEMS have been installed with great success in private houses, hotels, office Buildings, schools and hospitals for the treatment of potable water.

Theyarealsoapplied in small and mediumsized industrialestatesforthetreatment ofcoolingsystems,autocIaves,machinecoolingetc.

Physical and Chemical Properties:

No. Item Spec.
1 Bulk Density 1.7±0.1 g/cm3
2 pH Value 7.0±0.5
3 P205Content(%) 61 ~ 69%
4 Na20Content(%) 20 ~ 30%
5 Ca0Content(%) 7 ~ 15%